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Astria: A minecraft Server
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Server update on Hold
Hello everyone, I am placing my work on updating to 1.11.2 (possibly 1.12) on hold. This is because I am sick. I have a fever over 101...
1.11.2 Progress Update #2
First off, Sorry for the long update times, I have been very busy with other projects. Life stuff has also gotten in the way. But I am...
1.11.2 Progress Update #1
This is the first progress update that I am posting about the 1.11.2 server update. Astria Economy is almost complete. It is still...
Rule Updates
I have done some minor changes to the server rules. I have removed the section on sigeing other players because sigeing is no longer...
Next Server Update
I am hard at work preparing the server for the 1.11.2 update. At this time I want to update to 1.11.2 but, there could be unforeseen bugs...
1.9 Update - This month
The 1.9 update is 90% complete. There are only a few more bugs to work out in my plugins. I have started to prep the server for the...
Plugin Updates - Important Home Infomation
A few of the plugins have been updated today. DRL (Return Library) has been updated to version 1.5.6. I have fixed many bugs and changed...
1.9 Update coming soon
I have been planing to update the server since minecraft 1.9 came out. Unfortunately many of the plugins I used had not been updated...
Chat Rooms & Updates
Plugins have been updated. The main server plugin Return Library has been updated. Most of these updates are bug fixes and new API's....
Recent Updates, Changes and Upcoming Stuff
First off the Building competition has been canceled due to inactivity of players and not enough players who joined the competition....
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