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1.9 Update coming soon

I have been planing to update the server since minecraft 1.9 came out. Unfortunately many of the plugins I used had not been updated until recently. Now i have all of the updated plugins but I still need to finish updating my plugins to 1.9. I was in the middle of adding new features and fixing bugs in many of my plugins so before I update them to 1.9 I must finish the current updates to them. Once all plugins are at a stable point I will update them to 1.9 and then the server will follow.

Once the server updates to 1.9 I will begin to work in getting updated plugins for 1.10 and I will update all of my plugins to 1.10. Now I may make a few new plugins and update some other plugins between the 1.9 and 1.10 update so it may be a few months after the 1.9 update before I stat on the 1.10 update.

One of the plugins I wish to finish before the 1.10 update it the guilds/clans plugin. This will allow players to make guilds/clans that players can join. This will allow players to band together to fight other guilds or to ally other guilds.

I also hope to get the Multiworld plugin put back on the server before the 1.9 update but I may have to wait untill after the 1.9 update to re-implement multiworld.

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