Astria: A minecraft Server
IP: astriaserver.ddns.net
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Public Builds
Public builds are building projects ran by one or more players. They could be projects where a player leads or where players work together as equals. Some Public Builds are built by players with the intent of being a public build, while others are builds that were made/controlled by one player or by a group of players and have been abandoned and turned into a Public Build by the Server Owner or Players who wish to keep the Build going.
Public Builds are protected from griefers under the Server Rules. Public Builds are normally builds built for the Server Community to use and benefit from. These builds can be controlled by a single player, a group, or everyone on the server.
If you have a build that you want to turn into a Public Build or have found a abandoned build that could benefit the community, mail me (Daniel_return) in game about the build, and I will talk to you about it and see if it would be a good build to turn into a Public Build.
For more information or clarifications about public builds mail me (Daniel_return) in game with your questions.