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Server Shutdown Post

I have ran Astria for over 5 years now. Out of the two server’s I have owned Astria was the best one in content, life time, uptime, and of course players. However over the last two years all players have stopped playing including most (if not all) regulars. While new players join occasionally none stay longer then a month with most only staying a few weeks.

When Microsoft bought Minecraft, many Minecraft owners, including my self thought it spelled the doom for Minecraft. Some thought they would ruin it quickly others thought slowly. Well it seems that time has come. Microsoft will soon be forcing Minecraft players to migrate to Microsoft/Xbox accounts. Furthermore it seems they have decided to implement game wide banning. If a player is banned on 1 server, they are banned on all servers and have multi-player disabled for them. They would also be unable to access single player on the xbox (though not on other platforms, due to my understanding). Lastly there is no ban appeal process. If a player is incorrectly banned or abused by a moderator, they are banned for life.

For both the reasons above I feel its time to shutdown Astria. I did had plans to revive Astria or start a new server that was similar to Astria. I was also days away from migrating the server files to a new and cheaper but more powerful server host. However that is no longer going to happen.

It was fun meeting and playing with everyone who joined, especially the regulars.

I would like to give a special thanks to Lightdragon, Neon_Cyclops, x_Biyf_Tyler_x, Diamondminingtj, ttl_computer, Dwarvenking, and the many other regulars who played on Astria at one point or another. I would also like to give a thanks to the few testers I had on the server before it went live all those years ago and a thanks to all players who help to test new content on the Astria Test server.

The server will be kept live for another week or two before Its fully shutdown. The Astria Discord and Forms will be kept alive for a little longer before they are placed in read only mode.

I hope to, at some point, release a copy of the Astria map (Overworld, nether, and end) as a download on the website or somewhere else. I do not know when I will get around to doing this, but I will make a post of it when I do. I will not be releasing my plugins with the map, so most custom features, mechanics, and the custom boss will not function with the exception of certain vanilla implemented custom items and potions.

If you want to keep up with me and what I am doing you can visit my webiste/blog. However it’s in a very early stage of development and I have not done much with it yet. I do not know when I will be working on the site or what I will be putting on it. You can view it here:

Again thanks to all who have played on Astria over the years. Maybe someday, when I get my act together, I will find some of you on the games I plan on creating.



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