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Astria: A minecraft Server
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PvE update is Live
The PvE Update is now Live! With this update there are many new PvE features on the server. Surviving against the environment just got...
PvE Update this Tuesday
The PvE update will occur this Tuesday (5-22-2018). This update will consist of many PvE changes and new mechanics. I will go over a few...

PvE Update-Custom Mobs
As stated in the last news post I have been having some computer hardware issues. While I am still having those issues I have been able...
PvE Update Progress & Other news
As you all know I had planed on doing 4 major plugin updates to the server. The first major update the PvP update has come and gone....
Server Advertisement Campaign
The population of Astria has always been a small one. Since day one Astria's population of players has had growths and shrinks. Over the...
PvP Update is now Live
Astria is a survival server. The focus of it is to enhance survival, make it harder and more challenging. One part of survival that I...
PvE Update Ideas
First off, I would like to say that the PvP update is almost complete. With it almost complete I would like to post about some of the PvE...
PvP Update Progress Update
The PvP plugin is almost feature complete. At this time i am adding in the last few features (mostly enchantments) and am starting the...
PvP Update Planned Features
Astria is a survival server. The focus of it is to enhance survival, make it harder and more challenging. One part of survival that I...
Vote Rewards
The past few weeks I have been hard at work working on a new voting plugin for the server. This new plugin aims to make voting more...
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