Astria: A minecraft Server
IP: astriaserver.ddns.net
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Custom Items
This page is no longer accurate and contains out of date information.
Please use "/encyclopidia" in game to view a list of current custom items.
Here is a list of the custom items on Astria.
This page only covers custom items added in the Astria Crafting Update and following updates.

Fermented Leather
Fermented Leather can be crafted into normal leather as you would with normal rabbit hide.

Stone Dagger
+2 Damage when held in off hand

Iron Dagger
+3 Damage when held in off hand

Diamond Dagger
+4 Damage when held in off hand

Life Armor Helmet made from Diamonds and a Totem of Undying
+4 Max Health
+2 Armor Toughness
+3 Armor

Life Armor Chestplate made from Diamonds and a Totem of Undying