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Recent Updates, Changes and Upcoming Stuff

First off the Building competition has been canceled due to inactivity of players and not enough players who joined the competition. Sorry about this.


Voting has always been a part of the server but now when you vote you will get rewards if your on the server when you vote.

I ask that each player vote once a day at one of the voting sites. But if you wish to you can vote at all of the sites. Each time you vote you will receive a reward if your on the server.

Voting helps you by giving you resources that you can use in game, but it helps the server more. When potential players find Astria in the server listing they will see the votes it has. The more votes a server has the higher possibility the potential player will get on.

So when you vote you help grow the server and help grow the Astria Community.

As for commands, There are a few more commands added and I do not know if I have talked about them yet.

There is a /heal and /feed command that all players can use once a day. Both of these commands cost money so use them wisely. you can do /heal help and /feed help to see the costs of the commands.

The /repair command now repairs using resources. you can do /repair res while holding a item to repair it. if you have its resource in your inventory the item will be repaired. You can still repair items using xp and money.

A command that has been on the server for a long time is /itemlore It seems that many players do not know about this command. Itemlore allows the setting of the name and adding of lore onto the item or items you are holding. You can do /itemlore help for a list of all sub-commands.

I have recently did some back end changes to the server that the minecraft server runs on. I updated java to a newer version which fixed many bugs and allowed for Voting to work.

I re-organized the files and folders and removed old backup files and old log files to allow for more room on the disk. This will allow me to bring more custimizibility to the server and allow for player preferences for upcoming additions to the server to be saved onto the disk.

Upcoming Plugins.

I am still working on the custom mobs plugin. Its being extremely annoying and buggy. Besides adding in custom mobs it will also add in money droping by the mobs. I know that many player wish to have money dropped from mobs upon death, so instead of waiting the possible months for custom mobs to come out I have added in a tempory money drop to my main library plugin.

Other plugins I am working on are:

A new Mail plugin to replace Astria Mail. Astria Mail is a very simple mail plugin that works, and has very few bugs. But I wish to have a more powerfull mail plugin on the server. I will not go into any details about this new mail plugin I am designing but it will be amazing.

I am also working on Chat Room functionality for Astria Chat, which is the current chat plugin on the server. This will allow players to talk Global, locally per world, or locally within a block radeous.

Thats all for now. Have a amazing day, and remember to vote for the server. It helps you, me, and the server.

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