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Chat Rooms & Updates

Plugins have been updated.

The main server plugin Return Library has been updated. Most of these updates are bug fixes and new API's.

Return Library has also added in money drops for most hostle mobs.

Astria Chat has been updated. It now has chat rooms.

Here is a list of chat rooms:

- Global

- Local world

- Local (250 block radius)

- Local B (50 block radius)

- Staff chat (for staff only)

- Tester chat (for official testers only)

At this time players cannot make there own custom chat rooms. But in future updates players will be able to do this.

Astria Mail has had a few bug fixes. It also shows the message you send when you send mail.

Thats all of the updates that have happened.

Here is a list of future plugins and Updates that may come to the server.

(Note: I may not make all of these changes and plugins)

-Guilds Plugin

This would allow players to create and join guilds. Members cannot attack each other and guilds can Enemy other guilds. Guilds have there own money account and can use this account to pay guild members or tax them.

-Better land renting plugin

A plugin that allows land to be rented. This will probably just be a update to simplerenter.

-Better Mail Plugin

This will be a new and very powerful mail plugin to replace astria mail.

-A Plugin to make survival harder (this is a survival server)

This plugin would add in miscellaneous things to make survival harder. this could be, rotting food, crop grow slowed, dehydration, and many other things.

-Custom Mobs

Custom mobs plugin

Thats all for now, bye.

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