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Plugin Updates - Important Home Infomation

A few of the plugins have been updated today.

DRL (Return Library) has been updated to version 1.5.6. I have fixed many bugs and changed the layout of the configuration file. I also introduced a money drop cap for the Money mob drop system. This will help keep the economy balanced. This version was tested against minecraft 1.9 so this plugin is 1.9 ready.

Astria chat has also been updated to 1.4.1. This is mainly a bug fix (and a lot of bugs were fixed) This update was also tested against minecraft 1.9 and works extremely well.

The warps plugin I made is now Warps & Homes. It allows usage of warps, tpa, and now Homes. At this time the command is /wh instead of /home because HomeSpawnPluse is still on the server and players will need to manually set there homes to warp & homes. Once all homes for active players are set the server will be one step closer to updating to minecraft 1.9.

(HomeSpawnPluse will be removed before the server updates to 1.9. Any homes not set in Warp & Homes will be lost.)

I have many more plugins to update and to test for minecraft 1.9 but once I update all plugins the server will be ready to move on to 1.9. Some time after the 1.9 update I will also be updating the server to 1.10.

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