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Astria: A minecraft Server
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Plugin Updates
To day I have updated some of the plugins that I make. I have updated Return Library, Astria mail and Astria chat. Changes in return...
Progress on Stuff
Hello everyone. I just want to post some infomation on my pluign and server progress. I would like to prefix this with some info: I have...
Update List
So today updates happened. You can read the last news piece to see some more info. List of updated plugins: Astria Chat Return Library...
Updates Today
I am updating the server today. The server will be down for a few hours. Edit: Having problems pushing updates to the server. Updating...
Upcoming Updates
Some time this week, probroly March 1st, the server will be going down for updates. I will be updating many plugins on my server to fix...
Overlooked some stuff
I seem to have overlooked some stuff on the web site. Like it still saying that the server is not yet open for the public, or that the...
Building Compitition
Today marks the start of the febuary building compitition. Infomation: (note this infomation may not be fully corect, for most upto date...
Site update and Rule chages
The webstie has been updated. I have impoved the staff pages and made some pages only accesible to staff. Added a few new pages to the...
2/2/2016 Server UPDATE
The server has been updated. Some configeration files were changed to balence gameplay and to fix bugs. I updated Return Library (the...
The Server is now live IP:
It is a joy to finally have the server live. Yes the server is incomplete and there are still a few bugs but the bugs will be removed in...
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