Overlooked some stuff
I seem to have overlooked some stuff on the web site. Like it still saying that the server is not yet open for the public, or that the home page still had out dated infomation.
I am going thought the website and fixing the above stuff and more. Hopfully within a few hours of this post all infomation on the website will be accurate.
Also on a unrelated note I am making progress with a Special Data saving plugin that I am coding. When its done and all bugs are worked out it will allow me to do file IO much easier and faster. This will allow my other plugins to be coded faster beacuse I will not need to wory aobut the file IO as much.
I am hoping to have a big server update in the next few weeks. But programing is unpredicible and bugs can appear out of thin air. So lets all hope I can get some of my plugins updated and my new ones finished.