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The Server is now live IP:

It is a joy to finally have the server live. Yes the server is incomplete and there are still a few bugs but the bugs will be removed in the upcoming weeks.

I still would like to get a few plugins including a warp plugin, a plugin that response the end, and a few others. So hopefully in the first few weeks there will be many updates to the server.

I started working on this server months ago and due to some unforeseen bugs in my code, plugins not working correctly and problems in my life I was unable to get the server up as fast as I wanted.

One of the first things I did when making the server was decide on world generation and I created many new worlds to see what world I wanted. Once I chose a world I had to choose a name for my server. I, not being good at names, chose to use a random name generator to get the name Astria. Slowly I worked on getting some plugins for the server. Many of these plugin were either very buggy or were not compatible with the Bukkit version I was using. However, I got some good plugins to work and I was happy. With that, out of the way I started to make a few plugins of my own for the server. I made a rank plugin and plugin for my staff, a renting plugin, and a few others.

Now at last the server goes live. I expect to have many spammers and hackers on first but they will be banned from the server allowing the few good players to stay and enjoy themselves.

I would like to say thank you to all of my testers who help test my server. (They have a T by there name in chat.) I would also like to say thank you to my staff especially lightdragon65 who was a big help on getting the server tested and working without lightdragon65 the server would not be going live today.



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