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Plugin Updates

To day I have updated some of the plugins that I make.

I have updated Return Library, Astria mail and Astria chat.

Changes in return library.

To see a list of changes in return library you can run the command /drlcl to see a list of changes.

Here is a short list of what was changed and added.

- /repair res is now working. All weapons and armors can be repaird except for wood tools

-/Bug fixes for MOTD

-/A few other things, do /drlcl to see changes in game.

Astria chat Changes

- added in staff group chat. Staff can now chat with eachother without normal not staff playes seeing.

- bug fixes.

Astria Mail changes:

-Minor visual changes

-You now see how much mail you have when you log in.

-If you receave mail while playing you will receave a message about the mail you just receaved.

Other things I am still working on and fixing.

I am still working on bug fixes for SimpleRent and will hopfully be uploading it soon. I will also be adding in a comand so rent plot owners can extend the length of the rent for a current renter.

My custom mobs plugin is still extreamly buggy and enjoys crashing my test server, so at this time there will be no custom mobs.

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