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Vote Rewards

The past few weeks I have been hard at work working on a new voting plugin for the server. This new plugin aims to make voting more rewarding and make it a better experience. There will be new rewards to obtain ranging from items like gunpowder, wither stars, special treasure items and custom effects.

Another feature of this plugin is your chance to get better rewards increases each consecutive day you vote. If you vote 6 days in a row, you have the highest chance to get some of the most rare items on the 7th day of consecutive voting.

Another feature of this voting plugin is the ability for me to print out a list of the rewards you the player can obtain. You can find the list here:

You can see the chances you have overall for a specific rarity with the above list. You can also see the chance of getting an individual reward. If you feel a reward should be removed or one should be added leave a comment on this news post (on the forms, the website has no comment function) or /mail me in game. (The list its self can also be commented on but that requers a gmail account, and some players me be unconformable with other players learning there gmail) You can also leave a comment or /mail me of any concerns you have with this new voting plugin.

Also please note the rewards can be changed/removed/added at anytime and may also have there rarities/chance changed. How much of each reward and the duration of some can also be changed.

Lastly, some players may be wondering why the server has voting. Some players may consider it cheating or unfair to get free items, when on a survival server you should be obtaining them by working for them (i.e. mining). The main reason for voting is to help the server be promoted. The more votes a server has the more likely a new player is going to join the server. So not only do you get free items by voting you help promote the server.

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