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Server Advertisement Campaign

The population of Astria has always been a small one. Since day one Astria's population of players has had growths and shrinks. Over the past sixth months the server has experienced its largest shrink of all. Most of the player base no longer plays on the server except for a dedicated few. This is due to the fact that very few new players have joined the server in the past year.

The past month I have been increasing how much I advertise the server and even with advertising over spring break, none of the few players who visited the server have stayed.

One of the problems is the server is a small server and is now over a year old. Small servers that are over a year old struggle to draw in new players. Another problem is when new players join none of the regular Astria players are on to show how much life the server has, seeing no regular players the new players decide to leave.

I have decided to redo most of my server advertisements. Because of this some of the voting sites will be offline for a short duration. I am redoing my server banner, description, tags, and deleting Astria from most server listings and re-adding them to the server listings so they are fresh and are no longer stale.

Now, you may be wondering what you can do to help promote the server. First, you can help by voting. Not only do you get items by voting, but you also help the server get more players. Many players will see that the server has a lot of votes, and will know it has a dedicated player base that they will want to check out.

You can also play more often. Many times regular players will join and leave after being on the server for under a minute. Then just a few minutes later another player will join and quickly log off. Try staying of for half an hour or an hour at a time. Chances are another player will join, and in no time there will be a few players playing at the same time every day.

I plan to do 2 small advertisements for the server per week with a large one every Friday night. The large advertisement will occur at 6:00 pm Arizona time. (That's: 9:00pm EDT, 1:00am, GMT, 2:00pm NZDT, 12:00am AEDT, and 4:00am EAT). If you are able to get on at this time, this will allow new players to see how active Astria is and will lead to new players choosing to play on Astria.

I have done a lot as the server owner. I have made many of the plugins for the server, made many builds, custom monsters, and done many other small things. You the player have built homes, bases, made and found powerful armors and weapons and have built up a legacy.

Now its time to come out of this rut, this shrinkage, its time to enter a stage of growth and help new players find Astria, A Minecraft Survival Server that offers a hard, custom, yet friendly survival journey.

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