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Astria: A minecraft Server
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1.13.2 Bug Fix Update #1
With the 1.13.2 update there were many bugs. (As expected). Between yesterday and today I have fixed many of them. Tridents being unable...
1.13.2 update is now Live!
The 1.13.2 update has been completed and is now live on the server. It was originaly planed to release some time this week, however I had...
1.13.2 Update Coming This week!
I am glad to announce the 1.13.2 update will be coming sometime this week. Between 6-25-2019 and 7-1-2019. With this update most plugins...
1.13/1.14 Update Current Progress
1.13.2 Update The current progress of the 1.13.2 update is going slow. Currently 50% of the plugins for the server have been updated and...
Bug Fix Update
This update is to fix some smaller bugs on the server as well as a few minor changes and additions. New Vote Rewards! -Lucky Sword Vote...
Small Update
I have a small plugin update for the server. Its mostly changes with only a few additions and of course bug fixes. Additions: New Vote...
1/17/2019 Plugin Update
Early tomorrow morning I will be pushing a small update to the server. This update will mainly consist of bug fixes. However I will be...
Well this semester has ended! Yay! That means I now have more time to work on managing and update the server and its plugins. Starting...
November 27 Plugin & bug fix Update
I know plugin development and server updating has been slow the past few months and I would like to apologize for that. This semester is...
Astria Future Minecraft Updates
Since the server has first gone life I have always been very slow to update to the newest release of Minecraft. The main reason behind...
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