Astria: A minecraft Server
IP: astriaserver.ddns.net
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Nether Hub
The nether hub was originally built by the staff member 14uu. However when 14uu left the server the Nether Hub started to fall apart. Many portions were blown up by ghasts or damaged by other means.
With 14uu gone some players have started to add and change the Nether Hub in different ways. As of 5-11-2018 I declared the Nether Hub a Public Build. As a public build the Nether Hub is now subject to the Public Build Rules (see Public Builds and the Rules Page) along with the following stipulations.
At this time no player is in charge of the Nether Hub, and no single player may take full control of the Nether Hub. All players who have Nether Hub connections now control the Nether Hub. All players who have connections to the Nether Hub must work together as a coalition to make decisions and rules for the Nether Hub.
As the server owner I will do my best to stay away from controlling the Nether Hub. I want the Nether Hub to be a community ran project ran by all those who are willing to partake in it. However I may step in to help make decisions or clear up arguments when required.
I hope that all who are connected to the Nether Hub are able to work together to decide how it should be ran, build, managed, etc.