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Commands Listed on External Pages:

     Astria Chat Commands can be found on the Astria Chat Wiki.


Most Used Commands:


/simplerent renter: this brings up help for renting plots.

/simplerent renter info: brings up infomation of a rent claim/plot.

/simplerent renter rent: rents the rentable claim your standing in if no one is curently renting it and you have the funds to pay the rent.

/simplerent rent rerent: re rents a plot you are currently renting. You must only have two days left i the rent to re-rent a plot. This will charge you the current price of the plot.


/simplerent owner : brings up owner commands.

/simplerent owner create <price> <days>  creates a new rentable plot that lasts <days> days and costs <price>. Must be made in a sub-claim

/simplernet owner remove  removes the rent plot you are standing in. Note this does not refund the current renter.


/money: see how much money you have

/money pay <player> <amount> : pay a <player> money. <amount> is the amount of money you wish to pay them.

     NOTE: any player to player transactions should be recorded using screen shots. The recorded pictures will be used if a player          ripps you off, and you need staff interventon. Staff will only help if you have screen shots of the transaction. In some cases the        server owner may be able to check the servers log file.


/warp <warp> Warps you to the warp. If there is a cost you will be charged. 

/warps   Displays a list of warps along with there cost and requierd Rank.


/rank  Gives you info about your rank. This includes how many days you need to player to acheave the next rank

/rank list Lists all ranks and total days played to acheave the rank


/repair used to see how much xp and money repairs item by

/repair xp <levels Used>

/repair money <Money Paid>

/repair res  Repairs the item your holding using 1 item of its resorce.


/tell <palyer> <message> or /msg <player> <message> sends a private message to a player.


/mail r:read read your mail

/mail clear clear your mail

/mail S:Send <player>  <Message>   Send mail to player


/claimlist  list the claims you own, and how many cliam blocks you can build with.


/itemlore  the command that allows you to change items names and add on lore text


/site or /sites brings up a link to this web site, with links to sub pages to this web site

/rules brings up a few basic rules and a link to the rules page.


/ch commands for using and switching chat rooms. /ch g to enter global chat and /ch l for local chat.

  do /ch help for full help and /ch list  for a list of chat rooms.

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